印度最高法院扩大了NIA的权力,以调查相关的非计划外犯罪。 India's Supreme Court expands NIA powers to investigate connected non-scheduled offenses.
印度最高法院扩大了国家调查局的调查权力,以包括与计划内罪行有关的非计划内罪行。 The Supreme Court of India has expanded the National Investigation Agency's (NIA) investigative powers to include non-scheduled offenses if they are connected to scheduled offenses. 由B V Nagarathna法官和N Kotiswar Singh法官作出的这一决定支持国家情报机构有能力调查毒品走私等复杂跨界犯罪,确保对国家安全案件进行全面调查。 This decision, made by Justices B V Nagarathna and N Kotiswar Singh, supports the NIA's ability to investigate complex, cross-border crimes like drug smuggling, ensuring comprehensive investigations in national security cases.