印度最高法院拒绝保释一名毒品被告, 引用“Narcos”和“Breaking Bad”等节目来强调打击贩毒。 The Indian Supreme Court denied bail to a drug accused, citing shows like "Narcos" and "Breaking Bad" to stress the fight against drug trafficking.
印度最高法院根据《麻醉药品和精神药物法》拒绝保释一名毒品案件中的被告个人。 The Supreme Court of India denied bail to an individual accused in a drug case under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act. Bela Trivedi法官和Satish Chandra Sharma引用电视节目“Narcos”和“Breaking Bad”, 突显毒品集团的力量和复杂性。 Justices Bela Trivedi and Satish Chandra Sharma referenced TV shows "Narcos" and "Breaking Bad" to highlight the strength and complexity of drug syndicates. 该决定强调了法院打击毒品贩运及其对青年的影响的立场。 The decision underscores the court's stance against drug trafficking and its impact on youth.