Birmingham(AL)的当局在此前发现的头骨附近发现了一具人头,引发了一起凶杀案调查。 Authorities in Birmingham, AL, found a human tibia near a previously discovered skull, sparking a homicide investigation.
在阿拉巴马州的伯明翰,一只狗在8月发现一个头骨的地点附近发现了一只人类的骨。 In Birmingham, Alabama, a dog found a human tibia near the location where a skull was discovered in August. 两者可能都来自同一个成年人,尽管DNA分析有待进行。 Both are likely from the same adult, though DNA analysis is pending. 该头骨属于一名身份不明的黑人男子,他被枪杀,引发了一起凶杀案调查。 The skull belonged to an unidentified Black male who was shot, prompting a homicide investigation. 当局正在努力将遗体的DNA与失踪人员匹配,并正在研究狗的行为,以找到更多遗骸。 Authorities are working to match DNA from the remains with missing persons and are studying the dog's behavior to locate more remains.