Hunter在犹他州Brigham市附近发现人头骨,促使正在进行调查。 Hunter finds human skull near Brigham City, Utah, prompting ongoing investigative efforts.
在犹他州Brigham市附近寻找鹿角的猎人发现了一个人头骨,并通知了地方当局。 A hunter searching for shed antlers near Brigham City, Utah, discovered a human skull and notified local authorities. 布里格姆市警察确认其人为来源,并让洛基山区搜索犬队参与寻找更多遗骸,但没有发现进一步的调查结果。 The Brigham City Police confirmed its human origin and involved the Rocky Mountain Search Dogs for a search for additional remains, which yielded no further findings. 头骨已经送交验尸官办公室检查,调查正在进行中。 The skull has been sent to the Office of the Medical Examiners for examination, and the investigation is ongoing.