Skull在高速公路附近被发现,促使警方在劳伦斯维尔进行调查;遗骸的性质不明。 Skull found near highway prompts police investigation in Lawrenceville; nature of remains unknown.
头骨在州道316和劳伦斯维尔的杜鲁斯高速公路上被发现;建筑工人发现促使当地警察进行调查. Skull found on State Route 316 and Duluth Highway in Lawrenceville; construction crew discovery prompts investigation by local police. 当局尚未确定遗骸是人还是动物。 Authorities have not yet determined if the remains are human or animal. 随着调查的进行,将有更多的详情予以跟踪。 More details to follow as investigation progresses.