在Birminingham东部第5Place NW的1300街区发现遗骸;调查仍在进行中。 Human remains found in eastern Birmingham's 1300 block of Fifth Place NW; investigation ongoing.
周二下午在伯明翰东部第五广场北向街区1300号发现了包括头骨在内的人类遗骸. Human remains, including a skull, were discovered in eastern Birmingham's 1300 block of Fifth Place NW on Tuesday afternoon. 伯明翰警方和杰斐逊县验尸官办公室等当局正在调查现场,目前还没有确定犯规行为。 Authorities like Birmingham police and Jefferson County Coroner's Office are investigating the scene, with no foul play determination yet. 具体的情况、身份和死因仍然不明。 The specific circumstances, identity, and cause of death remain unknown.