瑞士眼睁睁看着出口持续下降,过去两年的收益逐渐消失,但美国市场保持稳定。 Swiss watch exports decline continues, erasing past two years of gains, but U.S. market stays stable.
11月,瑞士的《观察》出口再次下降,标志着过去几个月的下降持续。 Swiss watch exports fell again in November, marking a continuation of the decline seen over the past few months. 尽管这一趋势,美国市场依然保持稳定。 Despite this trend, the U.S. market remained stable. 出口下降抹去了过去两年来取得的成果,表明需求出现更大范围的下滑。 The drop in exports has erased gains made over the past two years, indicating a wider slump in demand.