韩国的未婚个人超过40人急剧上升,这与推迟结婚和降低出生率有关。 South Korea sees a sharp rise in unmarried individuals over 40, linked to delayed marriages and lower birth rates.
韩国政府的报告显示,40岁及40岁以上未婚人士人数大幅上升,与20年前相比,男女未婚的可能性是20年前的6倍和5倍。 South Korea's government report shows a significant rise in unmarried individuals aged 40 and over, with men and women six and five times more likely to remain unmarried compared to 20 years ago. 这一趋势与推迟结婚和终身单身有关,导致韩国的低出生率。 This trend, linked to delayed marriages and lifelong singlehood, contributes to South Korea's low birth rate. 在19-34岁的年轻未婚个人中,越来越多的人偏爱同居等非传统关系,约1.3%的人是年轻照顾者,其中许多人报告说,由于承担照顾责任,生活满意度较低。 Among younger unmarried individuals aged 19-34, a growing majority favor unconventional relationships like cohabitation, and about 1.3% are young caregivers, many of whom report lower life satisfaction due to caregiving duties.