NC的Mecklenburg县面临肺炎病例上升,可能爆发12次学校爆发。 Mecklenburg County, NC, faces rising pneumonia cases with 12 potential school outbreaks.
北卡罗来纳州Mecklenburg县的肺炎病例正呈上升趋势, Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, is seeing a rise in pneumonia cases, with officials monitoring 12 potential outbreaks in schools. Bonnie Coyle博士建议居民继续了解疫苗的最新情况, 保持良好的卫生习惯, 让生病者留在家中。 The increase has been ongoing since late spring across the U.S. Dr. Bonnie Coyle advises residents to stay updated on vaccines, practice good hygiene, and keep sick individuals at home. 症状包括发烧、咳嗽和喉咙疼痛,还有其他症状,如幼儿腹泻。 Symptoms include fever, cough, and sore throat, with additional symptoms like diarrhea in young children.