林奇堡弗吉尼亚中部卫生区的大学年龄段学生中接种过百日咳疫苗的病例有所增加。 College-aged students in Lynchburg's Central Virginia Health District experience a rise in previously vaccinated pertussis cases.
林奇堡的弗吉尼亚中部卫生区报告称,大学年龄段学生中百日咳病例有所增加。 Lynchburg's Central Virginia Health District reports an increase in pertussis, or whooping cough, cases among college-aged students. 大多数确诊病例之前都接种过疫苗,这凸显了提高认识和接种疫苗的必要性。 The majority of diagnosed cases have been previously vaccinated, stressing the need for awareness and vaccination. 卫生官员正在与当地医疗保健提供者合作,识别和治疗潜在病例,并建议病人避免与他人接触以防止传播。 Health officials are collaborating with local healthcare providers to identify and treat potential cases, advising the ill to avoid contact with others to prevent spread.