爱尔兰陆军教官因撕破新兵的牛仔裤和在活动时从胸罩上饮酒而被罚款。 Irish Army instructor fined for tearing recruit's jeans and drinking from a bra at event.
爱尔兰陆军教官Keith Lynch下士因在军事社交活动中撕破一名女兵牛仔裤的洞并饮用胸罩而被罚款和惩戒。 Corporal Keith Lynch, an Irish Army instructor, was fined and reprimanded for tearing a hole in a female recruit's jeans and drinking from a bra at a military social event. Lynch因殴打和行为不当而认罪,可能降职,但被罚款21天,并被命令完成关于性道德的课程。 Lynch pleaded guilty to assault and conduct unbecoming, facing potential demotion but instead was fined 21 days' pay and ordered to complete a course on sexual ethics. 军事法官强调指出,这种行为是不可接受的。 The military judge stressed that such behavior is unacceptable.