泰晤士河谷警官在派对上醉酒后收到不当行为警告。 Thames Valley Police officer receives warning for misconduct after intoxication at party.
一名泰晤士河谷警官,PC McLauchlan,在严重不当行为听证会后,收到最后书面警告,为期三年。 A Thames Valley Police officer, PC McLauchlan, received a final written warning for three years after a gross misconduct hearing. 这一事件发生在2024年1月6日, 涉及一方的不当行为, 包括接吻、拥抱、未经同意触摸同事, The incident, which took place on January 6, 2024, involved inappropriate behavior at a party, including kissing, hugging, and touching fellow officers without consent while heavily intoxicated. 警官的忏悔和早期道歉导致了警告而不是更严厉的惩罚。 The officer's remorse and early apology led to a warning rather than more severe punishment.