一名部署到南部边境的国民警卫队军官在承认袭击罪后受到谴责。 A National Guard officer deployed to the southern border was reprimanded after pleading guilty to assault.
新罕布什尔州国民警卫队军官马克·帕特森中校被得克萨斯州军事法官定罪并受到谴责。 A New Hampshire National Guard officer, Lt. Col. Mark Patterson, has been convicted and sentenced to a reprimand by a military judge in Texas. 帕特森承认犯有袭击、性骚扰、不适合警官的行为以及违反一般命令的罪行。 Patterson pleaded guilty to assault, sexual harassment, conduct unbecoming an officer, and violation of a general order. 该判决与认罪协议的条款一致。 The sentence was consistent with the terms of a plea agreement.