“脑腐烂”, 描述太多使用互联网的精神疲劳症, 是牛津的2024年之词。 "Brain rot," describing mental fatigue from too much internet use, is Oxford's Word of the Year 2024.
“brain rot”一词被评为牛津大学 2024 年度词汇,描述了过度上网滚动造成的精神疲劳。 The term "brain rot" has been named Oxford's Word of the Year 2024, describing the mental fatigue from excessive internet scrolling. 医学专家警告说,这可能导致认知下降和心理健康问题,特别是在青少年。 Medical experts warn this can lead to cognitive decline and mental health issues, especially in teens. 根据调查,46%的青少年经常使用互联网,引起人们的担忧。 According to surveys, 46% of teens use the internet constantly, raising concerns. 专家建议限制互联网使用, 并休息以减轻对大脑的负面影响。 Experts advise limiting internet use and taking breaks to mitigate negative effects on the brain.