牛津词典命名为“脑腐烂”国际年词典,凸显了人们对微小的网上内容导致的精神衰落的关切。 Oxford Dictionaries named 'brain rot' Word of the Year, highlighting concern over mental decline from trivial online content.
2024年,牛津大学出版社选用“脑腐烂”为国际年词,比上一年增加了230%。 In 2024, Oxford University Press selected "brain rot" as its Word of the Year, marking a 230% increase in usage from the previous year. 这个术语指的是由于消费微不足道或无争议的在线内容而认为精神或智力状态下降。 The term refers to the perceived decline in mental or intellectual state due to consuming trivial or unchallenging online content. 首先在1854年由亨利·大卫·罗在"沃尔登"中使用,该术语在数字时代获得了新的相关性,反映了人们对过度使用互联网对心理健康的影响的日益关注. First used in 1854 by Henry David Thoreau in "Walden," the term has gained new relevance in the digital age, reflecting growing concerns about the impact of excessive internet use on mental wellbeing.