美国制裁的目标是协助俄罗斯战争的伊朗官员和实体使用无人机和导弹。 US sanctions target Iranian official and entities aiding Russia's war with drones and missiles.
美国制裁了一名伊朗官员和与伊朗导弹和无人机计划有关的两个实体,支持俄罗斯在乌克兰的战争。 The U.S. has imposed sanctions on an Iranian official and two entities linked to Iran's missile and drone program, which supports Russia's war in Ukraine. 制裁的目的是破坏伊朗向协助这些活动的伊朗和中介实体提供武装无人机,如沙希德-136型武装无人机和弹道导弹。 The sanctions aim to disrupt Iran's supply of armed drones, like the Shaheed-136, and ballistic missiles, targeting both Iranian and intermediary entities aiding these activities. 这些措施属于针对武器转让和大规模毁灭性武器扩散的行政命令。 The measures fall under executive orders targeting arms transfers and weapons of mass destruction proliferation.