到2024年11月, 日本外国访客人数达到3 340万, 超过2019年的记录。 Japan's foreign visitor count hits 33.4 million by November 2024, surpassing 2019's record.
日本超过其以往的年度访问记录,到2024年11月达到3 340万外国访问者,超过了2019年的3 190万人口大流行前记录。 Japan has surpassed its previous annual visitor record, reaching 33.4 million foreign visitors by November 2024, exceeding the 2019 pre-pandemic record of 31.9 million. 仅11月,就接待了319万游客,造成旅游业剧增,部分原因是日元疲软和全球兴趣增加。 November alone saw 3.19 million visitors, contributing to the surge in tourism, partly due to a weak yen and increased global interest. 尽管出现了增长,但人们仍对流行地区的旅游过度问题表示关注。 Despite the growth, concerns about overtourism in popular areas have emerged.