日本的游客,特别是来自中国的游客激增,超过了人口大流行前的水平。 Japan sees a massive surge in tourists, especially from China, exceeding pre-pandemic levels.
由于2024年1月至9月期间中国游客人数增加了228%,日本的入境旅行激增,秋季抵达人数超过了人口大流行前水平。 Japan's inbound travel has surged, with autumn arrivals exceeding pre-pandemic levels, driven by a 228% increase in Chinese visitors from January to September 2024. 来自南朝鲜、台湾、北美和亚太地区其他地区的来访者也恢复或超过了人口大流行前的数字。 Visitors from South Korea, Taiwan, North America, and other parts of Asia-Pacific have also recovered or surpassed pre-pandemic numbers. 然而,日本在京都和东京等城市面临旅游业的过度挑战,目标是到2030年接待6 000万游客。 However, Japan faces overtourism challenges in cities like Kyoto and Tokyo, aiming to welcome 60 million visitors by 2030.