美国在也门的Houthi中心发动军事打击,以保护船只,干扰对海军舰艇的袭击。 U.S. military strikes Houthi center in Yemen to protect ships, disrupt attacks on naval vessels.
美国军方对也门萨那的Houthi指挥和控制中心进行了空袭,干扰了在红海和亚丁湾协调袭击美国海军船只和商船的行动。 The U.S. military carried out an airstrike on a Houthi command and control center in Sana'a, Yemen, disrupting operations that coordinated attacks on U.S. Navy ships and merchant vessels in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. 这次罢工旨在保护美国和联军,并确保国际航运路线的安全。 The strike aims to protect U.S. and coalition forces and ensure the safety of international shipping routes. 伊朗支持的胡塞集团一年多来一直在袭击该地区的船只,声称支持加沙的巴勒斯坦人。 The Iran-backed Houthi group has been attacking ships in the region for over a year, citing support for Palestinians in Gaza.