美国在向以色列发射胡塞导弹后对也门的胡塞地点进行军事打击。 U.S. military strikes in Yemen target Houthi sites after a Houthi missile attack on Israel.
美国军方对也门首都萨那进行了空袭,目标是由伊朗支持的胡塞叛军运营的导弹储存场和指挥设施。 The U.S. military conducted airstrikes in Yemen's capital, Sanaa, targeting missile storage sites and command facilities operated by Iran-backed Houthi rebels. 袭击是在Houthi导弹袭击以色列特拉维夫后发生的,造成十几人受伤。 The strikes followed a Houthi missile attack on Tel Aviv, Israel, which injured over a dozen people. 美国还把多架胡塞无人机和一枚反舰导弹瞄准了红海上空。 The U.S. also targeted multiple Houthi drones and an anti-ship missile over the Red Sea. Houthi集团一直袭击红海的商业航运,对以色列实施海上封锁,声称声援加沙的巴勒斯坦人。 The Houthi group has been attacking commercial shipping in the Red Sea to enforce a naval blockade on Israel, claiming to act in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza.