美国海军舰艇击落了也门胡塞叛军在亚丁湾发射的七枚导弹和无人驾驶飞机。 US Navy ships down seven missiles and drones launched by Yemen's Houthi rebels in the Gulf of Aden.
美国海军的Stockdale和美国海军的O'Kane摧毁了也门胡塞叛军向亚丁湾的美国船只发射的七枚导弹和无人驾驶飞机。 The US Navy's USS Stockdale and USS O'Kane destroyed seven missiles and drones launched by Yemen's Houthi rebels targeting American ships in the Gulf of Aden. 没有损害或受伤的报告。 No damage or injuries were reported. Houthi集团声称他们攻击了美国驱逐舰和三艘美国补给舰。 The Houthi group claimed they targeted US destroyers and three American supply ships. 这次袭击反映了该地区目前的冲突,胡塞叛乱分子对加沙的军事行动和战争作出反应。 This attack reflects the ongoing conflict in the region, with the Houthi rebels responding to military actions and the war in Gaza.