去年在都柏林被刺伤的五岁女孩在住院近一年后返家。 Five-year-old girl stabbed in Dublin last year returns home after nearly a year in hospital.
去年在都柏林帕内尔广场发生的一起刺伤事件中,一名五岁女孩受重伤,在住院近一年后,她已回家第三个星期。 A five-year-old girl, critically injured in a stabbing incident in Dublin's Parnell Square last year, has returned home for her third week after spending nearly a year in the hospital. 她的父母在 GoFundMe 页面上筹集了超过 121,000 欧元,他们说今年“圣诞节将是特别的”。 Her parents, who have raised over €121,000 on a GoFundMe page, say "Christmas will be special" this year. 这次袭击还造成另外两名幼童和一名照料者受伤,据称袭击者Riad Bouchaker在法庭上面临多重指控。 The attack also left two other young children and a carer injured, with the alleged attacker, Riad Bouchaker, facing multiple charges in court.