帮助像菲奥娜这样的家庭挣扎的假日援助行动,为跨越三州地区的366名儿童提供圣诞节援助。 Operation Holiday aids struggling families like Fiona's, providing Christmas aid to 366 children across tri-county areas.
拥有 34 年历史的慈善机构 Operation Holiday 今年圣诞节正在帮助单身母亲 Fiona 和她的三个孩子,此前她在丈夫离开后被留下来打两份工。 Operation Holiday, a 34-year-old charity, is aiding single mother Fiona and her three children this Christmas after she was left to work two jobs following her husband's departure. 该方案向三州地区困难家庭提供食品和礼品,今年与17个机构合作,帮助189个家庭和366名儿童。 The program, which provides food and gifts to struggling families in tri-county areas, has partnered with 17 agencies this year to assist 189 families and 366 children. Fiona的故事突显了慈善事业的使命, 就是确保孩子们有一个快乐的假期, Fiona's story highlights the charity's mission to ensure children have a joyful holiday season despite their parents' financial hardships.