新西兰和爱尔兰的圣诞节天气可能动荡不安,湿润,而非白色。 Christmas weather in New Zealand and Ireland likely to be unsettled and wet, not white.
新西兰的圣诞节天气不确定,因为模型预测相互矛盾,在圣诞前夕和圣诞节,特别是在上北岛,出现不稳定状况的可能性更大。 Christmas weather in New Zealand is uncertain due to conflicting model predictions, with a higher chance of unsettled conditions on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, especially in the upper North Island. Met Services和Niwa表示气候温和潮湿,可能发生雷暴和降雨。 MetService and Niwa suggest mild, humid conditions with possible thunderstorms and rain. 在爱尔兰,不可能有白色的圣诞节,预测天气温和、湿润,没有重大降雪。 In Ireland, a white Christmas is unlikely, with forecasts predicting mild, wet weather and no significant snowfall.