英国法院对Christine Lee做出不利判决 维护军情五处称她为安全风险的权利 A British court ruled against Christine Lee, upholding MI5's right to label her a security risk.
英国一家法院驳回了Christine Lee对MI5的诉讼,驳回了她关于该机构将她贴上国家安全风险标签的行为非法的说法。 A British court dismissed Christine Lee's lawsuit against MI5, rejecting her claim that the agency acted unlawfully by labeling her a risk to state security. MI5指控Lee代表中国和香港国民协助向英国政治家提供财政捐助,指控她代表中国共产党进行政治干涉。 MI5 accused Lee of facilitating financial donations to British politicians on behalf of Chinese and Hong Kong nationals, alleging she was engaged in political interference on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party. 法院裁定MI5拥有在不侵犯Lee人权的情况下发出警告的正当权利。 The court ruled that MI5 had a legitimate right to issue the warning without breaching Lee's human rights.