联邦陪审团判中美男子无罪 因为他是未注册的中国特工 Federal jury acquits Chinese-American man of charges he acted as unregistered Chinese agent.
波士顿的联邦陪审团宣布65岁的华裔美国人Litang Liang无罪, A federal jury in Boston has acquitted Litang Liang, a 65-year-old Chinese-American man, of charges that he acted as an unregistered agent of the Chinese government. Liang被指控向中国官员提供有关中国持不同政见者和活动分子的信息。 Liang was accused of providing information about Chinese dissidents and activists to Chinese officials. 他的辩护论点是,此案侵犯了他的言论自由权利,而美国当局则视其为反对中国压制国外批评者的努力的一部分。 His defense argued the case infringed on his right to free speech, while U.S. authorities saw it as part of their efforts to counter China’s efforts to silence critics abroad.