MI5为向法院提供虚假信息道歉, 未能阻止BBC关于虐待新纳粹分子的报道。 MI5 apologizes for giving false info to court, failing to stop BBC report on abusive neo-Nazi agent.
MI5为向高等法院提供虚假信息表示歉意, 企图阻止英国广播公司播出有关新纳粹特工X的节目, MI5 has apologized for providing false information to the High Court in an attempt to prevent the BBC from airing a program about a neo-Nazi agent, "X," who abused two women. 尽管军情五处的政策“既不确认也不否认”,BBC声称他们被告知X是一名特工。 Despite MI5's "neither confirm nor deny" policy, the BBC claims they were told X was an agent. 法庭允许节目播出 揭露了X的虐待 The court allowed the program to air, revealing X's abuse. 内政大臣伊维特·库珀称这是一个严重问题,并下令进行外部审查,以改进流程,确保今后有准确的信息。 Home Secretary Yvette Cooper called it a serious matter and ordered an external review to improve processes and ensure accurate information in the future.