津巴布韦的一个法院裁定,不得强迫总统Mnangagwa签署反酷刑条约。 A Zimbabwean court ruled against compelling President Mnangagwa to sign the anti-torture treaty.
津巴布韦高等法院驳回了Obey Shava律师关于强迫Emmerson Mnangagwa总统签署《禁止酷刑公约》的请求。 A Zimbabwean High Court dismissed a bid by lawyer Obey Shava to compel President Emmerson Mnangagwa to sign the Convention Against Torture (CAT). Shava辩称,不签署条约侵犯了他的权利,他引述了国家工作人员个人遭受酷刑的经历。 Shava argued that not signing the treaty violated his rights, citing personal experiences of torture by state agents. 法官裁定,法院不能强迫行政部门执行国际条约,强调分权原则。 The judge ruled that the court cannot compel the executive branch to act on international treaties, emphasizing the principle of separation of powers. 津巴布韦仍然是该区域少数几个没有批准《禁止酷刑公约》的国家之一。 Zimbabwe remains one of the few countries in the region not to ratify CAT.