反对派议员在 JPC 关于 Waqf(修正案)法案的会议上走出来,抗议未经授权更改德里 Waqf 委员会的报告。 Opposition MPs walk out during JPC meeting on Waqf (Amendment) Bill, protesting unauthorized changes to Delhi Waqf Board's report.
2024 年 10 月 28 日,来自 AAP、DMK 和国会的反对派议员在关于 Waqf(修订)法案的议会联合委员会会议上举行了罢工。 On October 28, 2024, opposition MPs from AAP, DMK, and Congress staged a walkout during a Joint Parliamentary Committee meeting on the Waqf (Amendment) Bill. 他们抗议其行政长官Ashwini Kumar未经首席部长批准擅自更改德里宗教基金委员会的报告。 They protested against alleged unauthorized changes to the Delhi Waqf Board's report by its administrator, Ashwini Kumar, without the Chief Minister's approval. 该委员会旨在改革宗教基金财产管理,将于10月29日重新召开会议,继续讨论。 The committee, aiming to reform Waqf property management, will reconvene on October 29 to continue discussions.