密歇根委员会审议关于废除即将到来的最低工资和带薪病假增加额的法案。 Michigan committee considers bills to repeal upcoming minimum wage and paid sick leave increases.
密歇根州由共和党领导的委员会正在听取法案,以取消提高最低工资和规定2月21日生效的带薪病假的措施。 Michigan's Republican-led committee is hearing bills to roll back initiatives that would raise the minimum wage and mandate paid sick leave, set to take effect on February 21. 这些法案旨在维持下调工人的工资并放宽病假要求。 The bills aim to maintain a lower wage for tipped workers and ease sick leave requirements. 企业业主和告密工人认为,这些变化可能导致价格上涨和商业关闭,而倡导者则说,法律应按计划生效。 Business owners and tipped workers argue the changes could lead to higher prices and business closures, while advocates say the laws should take effect as planned. 委员会可以在星期四前投票将法案送交众议院,尽管任何立法也必须由民主党领导的参议院和总督格雷琴·惠特默批准。 The committee could vote to send the bills to the House floor by Thursday, though any legislation must also be approved by the Democratic-led Senate and Governor Gretchen Whitmer.