South32赢得了WA铝土矿扩张的核准,但环境限制较少。 South32 wins approval for WA bauxite mine expansion with fewer environmental restrictions.
澳大利亚一家矿业公司South32赢得西澳大利亚州环境部长批准扩大Worsley Alumina项目,超过州环保局规定的更严格的条件。 South32, an Australian mining company, has won approval from Western Australia's Environment Minister for its Worsley Alumina project expansion, overriding stricter conditions set by the state's EPA. 该项目包括扩大Jarrah森林中的铝土矿开采,现在对环境的限制较少,包括放宽碳排放规则。 The project, which includes expanding bauxite mining in jarrah forests, now has fewer environmental restrictions, including relaxed carbon emissions rules. 该公司预计将在2025年初获得联邦批准,允许延长Boddington铝土矿的寿命。 The company expects to receive federal approval in early 2025, allowing the extension of the Boddington bauxite mine's life. 批评者认为,这项决定有利于收入,而不利于环境保护。 Critics argue the decision favors revenue over environmental protection.