澳大利亚矿物理事会敦促政府解决环境批准问题,援引限制性政策对工业增长的威胁。 Minerals Council of Australia urges government to address environmental approval concerns, cites industry growth threats from restrictive policies.
澳大利亚矿产理事会敦促政府解决对环境审批程序的关切, The Minerals Council of Australia has urged the government to address concerns over environmental approval processes, citing tensions between the mining sector and the center-left government. Tania Constable首席执行官批评限制性政策,包括劳资关系变化和增加特许权使用费,她声称这些政策威胁到工业增长。 CEO Tania Constable criticized restrictive policies, including industrial relations changes and royalty increases, which she claims threaten industry growth. 尽管总理安东尼·阿尔巴尼斯 (Anthony Albanese) 专注于清洁能源和电池矿物,但由于价格低廉、能源成本高,矿山被封存,挑战仍然存在。 Despite Prime Minister Anthony Albanese's focus on clean energy and battery minerals, challenges persist as mines are being mothballed amid low prices and high energy costs.