工会指出, 假日零售和快餐工人报告, 敌对顾客互动增加了33%。 Holiday retail and fast food workers report a 33% rise in hostile customer interactions, union says.
根据2024年的《研究环境报告》, 在节假日期间, 澳大利亚和新西兰的零售和快餐工人面临33%的敌对顾客互动增加。 During the holiday season, retail and fast food workers in Australia and New Zealand face a 33% increase in hostile customer interactions, according to a 2024 Researchscape report. 零售和快餐工人工会秘书Josh Cullinan敦促顾客尊重那些经常赚取最低工资和长时间工作的工人。 Retail and Fast Food Workers Union Secretary Josh Cullinan urges customers to show respect to workers who often earn minimum wages and work long hours. 他还指出,过去五年来客户行为下降,突出显示了在购物高峰时期对工人的压力。 He also notes a decline in customer behavior over the past five years, highlighting the stress on workers during peak shopping times.