根据澳大利亚性别平等与包容中心的一份报告,46% 的零售业女性在 5 年内遭受过来自顾客或同事的性骚扰。 46% of women in the retail sector experienced sexual harassment from customers or co-workers within 5 years, per a report by the Australian Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusion.
新研究表明,性骚扰在零售业普遍存在,年轻女性受到的威胁最大。 New research reveals that sexual harassment is pervasive in the retail sector, with young women most at risk. 澳大利亚性别平等与包容中心的一份报告发现,过去五年中,零售业中近一半的女性遭受过来自顾客或同事的性骚扰。 A report by the Australian Centre for Gender Equality and Inclusion found that nearly half of women in the retail sector have experienced sexual harassment from customers or co-workers over the past five years. 该研究强调零售业需要更好的培训和支持资源。 The study highlights the need for better training and support resources in retail workplaces.