根据零售联盟 Usdaw 的一项调查,到 2023 年,五分之一的商店员工面临暴力袭击,这一比例高于 2022 年的 8%。 1 in 5 shop staff faced violent attacks in 2023, up from 8% in 2022, according to a survey by the retail union Usdaw.
根据零售联盟 Usdaw 的一项调查,到 2023 年,五分之一的商店员工面临暴力袭击,这一比例高于 2022 年的 8%。 1 in 5 shop staff faced violent attacks in 2023, up from 8% in 2022, according to a survey by the retail union Usdaw. 袭击事件的增加发生在零售犯罪“流行”时期,官方统计数据显示商店盗窃事件大幅增加。 The increase in assaults is during an "epidemic" of retail crime, with official statistics showing significant increases in theft from shops. 在过去的一年里,70%的受访者受到过言语辱骂,近一半的受访者受到过顾客的威胁,近五分之一的受访者受到过人身攻击。 Over the past year, 70% of respondents were verbally abused, nearly half were threatened by a customer, and almost one in five were physically attacked.