乌干达最高法院维持军事法院的裁决,阻止向民事法院提出上诉。 Uganda's Supreme Court upholds military courts' rulings, blocking appeals to civil courts.
乌干达最高法院裁定,军事人员不能在民事法院对其定罪提出上诉,强调军事司法系统与民事司法系统分立。 Uganda's Supreme Court has ruled that military personnel cannot appeal their convictions in civil courts, emphasizing the separation between military and civilian justice systems. 这一决定影响到Ambrose Ogwang中校,后者被军事法庭判定的谋杀罪得到维持。 This decision affects Lt. Ambrose Ogwang, whose murder conviction by a military court was upheld. 穆塞韦尼总统为军事审判辩护,认为军事审判通过迅速处理与枪支有关的犯罪,有助于稳定国家局势,尽管这一立场面临法律和宪法挑战。 President Museveni has defended military trials, arguing they help stabilize the country by swiftly addressing gun-related crimes, though this stance faces legal and constitutional challenges.