巴基斯坦最高法院质疑军事法院审判平民是否符合宪法。 Pakistan's Supreme Court questions constitutionality of trying civilians in military courts.
巴基斯坦最高法院正在审查由军事法庭审判平民的合法性。 Pakistan's Supreme Court is examining the legality of trying civilians in military courts. 法院质疑是否可以根据《军队法》审判平民,指出只有犯有具体所列罪行的人才能受到军事审判。 The court questions whether civilians can be tried under the Army Act, noting that only those guilty of specific listed offenses can face military trials. 法官们对这种审判是否符合宪法表示关切,有些法官认为审判侵犯了平民的权利。 Justices have raised concerns over the constitutionality of such trials, with some arguing that they violate civilians' rights. 法院还指示旁遮普邦政府对罪犯的待遇作出回应。 The court also directed the Punjab government to respond on the treatment of convicts. 法律专家和参议员反对这些审判,称它们违宪。 Legal experts and senators oppose these trials, calling them unconstitutional.