乌干达反对派领导人Kizza Besigye博士和Hajji Obeid Lutale在军事法庭面临新的叛国罪指控。 Ugandan opposition leader Dr. Kizza Besigye and Hajji Obeid Lutale face new treason charges in a military court.
Kizza Besigye博士和Hajji Obeid Lutale博士在乌干达军事总法院面临新的背叛指控,此外,他们以前还被指控在境外非法持有火器和弹药。 Dr. Kizza Besigye and Hajji Obeid Lutale face new charges of treachery in Uganda's General Court Martial, adding to their previous charges of illegal possession of firearms and ammunition allegedly committed abroad. 法院对律师和支持者的准入情况有所改善,尽管仍然存在着严重的安全问题。 The court's access has improved for lawyers and supporters, though heavy security remains. 本案质疑法院对外国罪行和审判平民的管辖权。 The case challenges the court's jurisdiction over foreign offenses and the trial of civilians. 检察官指称,这对夫妇在肯尼亚、希腊和瑞士开会期间讨论了乌干达的军事目标。 Prosecutors allege the pair discussed military targets in Uganda during meetings in Kenya, Greece, and Switzerland.