刚果因在北基伍犯下谋杀和抢劫等罪行判处13名士兵死刑。 Congo sentences 13 soldiers to death for crimes like murder and looting in North Kivu.
在北基伍的刚果军事法庭以谋杀、抢劫和胆怯等罪行判处13名士兵死刑。 A Congo military tribunal in North Kivu sentenced 13 soldiers to death for crimes including murder, looting, and cowardice. 这次审判是在 " 3·23 " 运动叛乱造成领土损失的情况下努力改进军队纪律的一部分,其中包括24名士兵,其中4人被判处监禁,6人无罪释放,1个案件被推迟审理。 The trial, part of efforts to improve army discipline amid territorial losses to the M23 insurgency, included 24 soldiers, with four getting prison sentences, six being acquitted, and one case deferred. 判决的目的是重建军队和当地平民之间的信任。 The sentences aim to rebuild trust between the military and local civilians.