巴基斯坦最高法院辩论军事法是否应适用于士兵的民事罪行。 Pakistani Supreme Court debates if military law should apply to soldiers' civilian crimes.
在巴基斯坦最高法院的一次审讯中,Jamal Mandokhail法官质疑《军队法》对在国内犯下罪行的军事人员的管辖权。 In a hearing before Pakistan's Supreme Court, Justice Jamal Mandokhail questioned the Army Act's jurisdiction over military personnel committing offenses at home. Salman Akram Raja律师认为,该法可能侵犯基本权利,只应适用于直接与兵役有关的罪行。 Lawyer Salman Akram Raja argued the Act could violate fundamental rights and should only apply to crimes directly related to military service. 由阿米努丁·汗法官领导的由七名成员组成的宪法法官正在审议针对对平民进行军事审判的上诉,预计该案将继续审理。 The seven-member constitutional bench, led by Justice Aminuddin Khan, is considering appeals against the military trials of civilians, with the case expected to continue.