巴基斯坦最高法院驳回军事法庭对民事审判的权力,对一名前首席法官处以罚款。 Pakistan's Supreme Court rejects military courts' authority over civilian trials, fining a former chief justice.
巴基斯坦最高法院驳回了政府关于允许军事法院宣布民事审判判决的请求,指出这意味着承认其权威。 The Supreme Court of Pakistan has rejected the government's request to allow military courts to announce verdicts in civilian trials, stating it would imply recognizing their authority. 法院还驳回了前首席大法官Jawad S. Khawaja关于推迟军事法庭民事审判听证的请求,直至就第26次宪法修正案作出裁决,并判处他20,000卢比罚款。 The court also dismissed former Chief Justice Jawad S. Khawaja's petition to delay hearings on civilian trials in military courts until the decision on the 26th Constitutional Amendment is made, fining him Rs20,000. 该案涉及请愿书,质疑军事法庭对平民的管辖权。 The case involves petitions challenging the jurisdiction of military courts over civilians.