罗得岛住房委员会讨论在无家可归人数不断上升的情况下延迟开放回声村住房的问题。 Rhode Island's Housing Commission discusses delayed Echo Village shelter opening amid rising homelessness.
罗德岛的住房负担能力委员会将讨论普罗维登斯的Echo Village托盘住房项目, The Housing Affordability Commission in Rhode Island will discuss the Echo Village pallet shelter project in Providence, which aims to provide 45 beds for the homeless. 该项目最初计划在夏季进行,然后在秋季进行,但由于公用事业连接、消防法规要求和费用增加,项目面临进一步拖延,使项目开工日期提前到明年年初。 Initially planned for summer and then fall, the project faces further delays due to utility hookups, fire code requirements, and increased costs, pushing the opening to early next year. 会议由住房部长Deborah Goddard牵头, 国家报告无家可归人口增加35%, The meeting, led by Housing Secretary Deborah Goddard, comes as the state reports a 35% rise in homelessness.