爱荷华州为苏城的24个负担得起的新住房提供4M美元赠款,以帮助无家可归的低收入居民。 Iowa grants $4M for 24 new affordable homes in Sioux City to aid homeless, low-income residents.
爱荷华金融管理局向苏城提供了近400万美元,用于为无家可归的个人和家庭开发24套永久性支助住房。 The Iowa Finance Authority has granted nearly $4 million to Sioux City to develop 24 units of permanent supportive housing for homeless individuals and families. 中城露台定于2025年开始建造,2026年完工,将包括17套无家可归者公寓和7套低收入居民公寓。 Midtown Terrace, set to start construction in 2025 and finish in 2026, will include 17 apartments for the homeless and seven for low-income residents. Heartland Counseling 将提供现场案例管理。 Heartland Counseling will offer onsite case management. 该项目旨在解决城市对经济适用住房的需求,并鼓励社区投资。 The project aims to address the city's need for affordable housing and encourage neighborhood investment.