加利福尼亚州洪堡特县颁布了紧急住房村法令,以解决无家可归问题。 Humboldt County, California, enacts Emergency Housing Village ordinance to address homelessness.
加利福尼亚州洪堡特县颁布了《紧急住房村法令》,通过为临时社区开辟允许通道,解决无家可归问题。 Humboldt County, California, has enacted an Emergency Housing Village ordinance to address homelessness by creating a permitting pathway for temporary communities. 这些紧急村庄可以包括流动住房、房车和帐篷,提供住所,不以支付能力为由剥夺个人。 These emergency villages, which can include mobile homes, RVs, and tents, will provide shelter without denying individuals based on payment ability. 该倡议旨在缓解地方住房危机,便利获得永久住房和支助服务。 The initiative aims to alleviate the local shelter crisis and facilitate access to permanent housing and support services. 有人对村庄地点和项目可行性表示关切。 Concerns about village locations and project feasibility have been raised.