罗得岛的ECHO村是无家可归者的收容所,将在2月底前开放,比预定时间提前四周。 Rhode Island's ECHO Village, a shelter for the homeless, will open by late February, four weeks ahead of schedule.
罗德岛州临时住房部长Deborah Goddard宣布, 无家可归者临时避难所ECHO Village将于2月底开放, 比之前的延迟时间提前四周. Rhode Island's Acting Housing Secretary Deborah Goddard announced that ECHO Village, a temporary shelter for the homeless, will open by the end of February, four weeks earlier than its previous delayed schedule. 由希望之家管理的45间小木屋因施工和许可证问题面临多重延误。 The 45 tiny cabins, managed by House of Hope, faced multiple delays due to construction and permit issues. 该项目旨在解决该国日益严重的无家可归危机,立法者也在联合听证会上讨论这一问题,重点是改善紧急住房应对措施。 The project aims to address the state's growing homelessness crisis, which lawmakers are also discussing in a joint hearing with a focus on improving emergency housing responses.