马萨诸塞州通过新的家庭住房系统建议解决日益增多的无家可归问题。 Massachusetts tackles growing homelessness with new family shelter system recommendations.
马萨诸塞州的家庭住房系统正面临挑战,因为面临住房费用的移民和当地居民的人数不断增加。 Massachusetts is facing challenges in its family shelter system due to rising numbers of both immigrants and local residents struggling with housing costs. 军政府中尉。 Lt. Gov. Kim Driscoll领导了一份报告,该报告呼吁建立一个更可持续的系统,提供量身定制的服务,并加强合作,以满足日益增长的需求。 Kim Driscoll led a report that calls for a more sustainable system, tailored services, and increased collaboration to address the growing need. 国家正面临压力,要求提高该方案的效率和成效,重点是防止无家可归和确保财政稳定。 The state is under pressure to make the program more efficient and effective, with a focus on preventing homelessness and ensuring fiscal stability. 该委员会的目标是在12月1日之前提交全面建议。 The commission aims to submit its comprehensive recommendations by December 1.