检察官提出了在特朗普担任总统期间保持封口费定罪有效的选项。 Prosecutors suggest options to keep Trump's hush money conviction active during his presidency.
曼哈顿检察官提出了处理前总统唐纳德·特朗普封口费定罪的方法,建议冻结此案直到他离任或同意不入狱。 Manhattan prosecutors have proposed ways to handle former President Donald Trump's hush money conviction, suggesting freezing the case until he leaves office or agreeing to no jail time. 他们认为,特朗普重返白宫不应该抹去陪审团的调查结果。 They argue that Trump's return to the White House shouldn't erase the jury's findings. 特朗普的律师试图完全驳回此案,认为这可能会影响他的总统任期。 Trump's lawyers seek to dismiss the case entirely, arguing it could impact his presidency. 法官尚未决定下一步行动。 The judge has yet to decide on the next steps.