检察官提议永久停止特朗普的封口费案,同时保持对他的定罪不变。 DA proposes halting Trump's hush money case permanently while keeping his conviction intact.
地区检察官建议,法官可以在不推翻他的定罪的情况下永久停止特朗普封口费案的法律程序。 The District Attorney suggests that a judge could permanently halt the legal proceedings in Trump's hush money case without overturning his conviction. 该提案旨在结束正在进行的法律斗争,同时保持与向 Stormy Daniels 付款有关的定罪。 This proposal seeks to end the ongoing legal battle while maintaining the conviction related to payments made to Stormy Daniels. 停止此案的最终决定权在法官手中。 The final decision on halting the case rests with the judge.