印度因法官短缺和复杂问题,审理了5.15个巡回法院案件。 India struggles with 5.15 crore court cases, citing judge shortages and complex issues.
印度各法院有5.15个积压案件,其中82 171个案件等待最高法院审理,另有数百万个案件等待高等法院和地区法院审理。 India faces a significant backlog of 5.15 crore cases across its courts, with 82,171 pending in the Supreme Court and millions more in High and District Courts. 该国法官与人口比率约为每10千人21名法官,尽管司法部门有大量空缺,其中包括高等法院368名法官,地区法院5 262名法官。 The country's judge-population ratio stands at around 21 judges per 10 lakh people, though there are substantial vacancies in the judiciary, including 368 in High Courts and 5,262 in District Courts. 法律和司法部长Arjun Ram Meghwal列举了一些因素,如基础设施、工作人员可用性以及案件复杂性等,造成延误。 Law and Justice Minister Arjun Ram Meghwal cited factors like infrastructure, staff availability, and case complexity for the delays.