印度最高法院驳回关于案件解决强制时限的请求。 Supreme Court of India dismisses petition for mandatory time frame for case resolutions.
印度最高法院驳回了一份请愿书,该请愿书要求对所有法院的案件裁决规定12至36个月的强制性时限。 The Supreme Court of India dismissed a petition requesting a mandatory time frame of 12 to 36 months for case resolutions across all courts. 首席法官D.Y. Chief Justice D.Y. Chandrachud强调,印度的司法系统处理的案件数量要高得多,不能与美国系统直接相比。 Chandrachud emphasized that the Indian judicial system, which handles a significantly higher caseload, cannot be directly compared to the U.S. system. 他指出,及时处理案件需要大幅度改善基础设施和增加法官人数。 He noted that achieving timely case disposal would require substantial infrastructure improvements and more judges.